MacWorld 1999 May
Macworld (1999-05).dmg
Serious Software
Black & Bleu™ 1.0.1 trial
Black & Bleu™ 1.0.1w
Black & Bleu™ 1.0.1w.rsrc
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Text File
457 lines
~2000 couldNotResolveDataRef
~2001 badImageDescription there is a problem with an image description
~2002 badPublicMovieAtom the movie file is corrupted
~2003 cantFindHandler the requested handler couldn’t be found
~2004 cantOpenHandler the requested handler couldn’t be opened
~2005 badComponentType
~2006 noMediaHandler the media has no media handler
~2007 noDataHandler
~2008 invalidMedia the media is corrupted or invalid
~2009 invalidTrack the track is corrupted or invalid
~2010 invalidMovie the movie is corrupted or invalid
~2011 invalidSampleTable
~2012 invalidDataRef the application has already set a data reference
~2013 invalidHandler
~2014 invalidDuration
~2015 invalidTime the time value was invalid
~2016 cantPutPublicMovieAtom
~2017 badEditList
~2018 mediaTypesDontMatch
~2019 progressProcAborted
~2020 movieToolboxUninitialized
~2021 wfFileNotFound
~2022 cantCreateSingleForkFile the file already exists
~2023 invalidEditState
~2024 nonMatchingEditState
~2025 staleEditState
~2026 userDataItemNotFound
~2027 maxSizeToGrowTooSmall
~2028 badTrackIndex
~2029 trackIDNotFound
~2030 trackNotInMovie
~2031 timeNotInTrack
~2032 timeNotInMedia
~2033 badEditIndex
~2034 internalQuickTimeError
~2035 cantEnableTrack
~2036 invalidRect
~2037 invalidSampleNum
~2038 invalidChunkNum
~2039 invalidSampleDescIndex
~2040 invalidChunkCache
~2041 invalidSampleDescription
~2042 dataNotOpenForRead the data reference is not open for “Read” access
~2043 dataNotOpenForWrite
~2044 dataAlreadyOpenForWrite the data reference is already opened for “Write”
~2045 dataAlreadyClosed the data reference is already closed
~2046 endOfDataReached
~2047 dataNoDataRef
~2048 noMovieFound no movie information was found in the file
~2049 invalidDataRefContainer
~2050 badDataRefIndex the data reference index is invalid
~2051 noDefaultDataRef
~2052 couldNotUseAnExistingSample
~2053 featureUnsupported
~2054 noVideoTrackInMovieErr QT for Windows error
~2055 noSoundTrackInMovieErr QT for Windows error
~2056 soundSupportNotAvailableErr QT for Windows error
~2057 unsupportedAuxiliaryImportData
~2058 auxiliaryExportDataUnavailable the requested type of auxiliary data couldn’t be generated
~2059 samplesAlreadyInMediaErr
~2062 movieTextNotFoundErr
~2064 invalidSpriteWorldPropertyErr
~2065 invalidSpritePropertyErr the specified sprite property doesn’t exist
~2066 gWorldsNotSameDepthAndSizeErr the dimensions and pixel depth of the 2 graphics worlds do not match
~2067 invalidSpriteIndexErr the sprite index was out of range
~2068 invalidImageIndexErr the image index was out of range
~2069 invalidSpriteIDErr
~2070 internalComponentErr
~2071 notImplementedMusicOSErr
~2072 cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr
~2073 cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr
~2074 illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr
~2075 illegalPartOSErr
~2076 illegalChannelOSErr
~2077 illegalKnobOSErr
~2078 illegalKnobValueOSErr
~2079 illegalInstrumentOSErr
~2080 illegalControllerOSErr
~2081 midiManagerAbsentOSErr
~2082 synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr
~2083 synthesizerOSErr
~2084 illegalNoteChannelOSErr
~2085 noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr
~2086 tunePlayerFullOSErr
~2087 tuneParseOSErr
~2089 noExportProcAvailableErr
~2090 videoOutputInUseErr another application has exclusive control of the video output device
~2091 componentDllLoadErr Windows specific error (when component is loading)
~2092 componentDllEntryNotFoundErr Windows specific error (when component is loading)
~2093 qtmlDllLoadErr Windows specific error (when qtml is loading)
~2094 qtmlDllEntryNotFoundErr Windows specific error (when qtml is loading)
~2095 qtmlUninitialized
~2101 cannotFindAtomErr
~2102 notLeafAtomErr the atom specified by container and offset is not a leaf atom
~2103 atomsNotOfSameTypeErr the specified atoms aren’t the same type
~2104 atomIndexInvalidErr the specified index is out of range
~2105 duplicateAtomTypeAndIDErr an atom with the same type and ID already exists for the specified parent
~2106 invalidAtomErr the atom specified by container and offset doesn’t exist or the container is invalid
~2107 invalidAtomContainerErr the specified container is invalid
~2108 invalidAtomTypeErr
~2201 digiUnimpErr the feature wasn’t unimplemented
~2202 qtParamErr a bad input parameter was specified
~2203 matrixErr a bad matrix was supplied
~2204 notExactMatrixErr a poor quality matrix was supplied
~2205 noMoreKeyColorsErr all key indexes are in use
~2206 notExactSizeErr the size requested can’t be done
~2207 badDepthErr the digitizer can’t handle this bit depth
~2208 noDMAErr the digitizer can’t do DMA digitizing
~2209 badCallOrderErr the QuickTime library was called in the wrong order
~2401 kernelIncompleteErr
~2402 kernelCanceledErr
~2403 kernelOptionsErr
~2404 kernelPrivilegeErr
~2405 kernelUnsupportedErr
~2406 kernelObjectExistsErr
~2407 kernelWritePermissionErr
~2408 kernelReadPermissionErr
~2409 kernelExecutePermissionErr
~2410 kernelDeletePermissionErr
~2411 kernelExecutionLevelErr
~2412 kernelAttributeErr
~2413 kernelAsyncSendLimitErr
~2414 kernelAsyncReceiveLimitErr
~2415 kernelTimeoutErr
~2416 kernelInUseErr
~2417 kernelTerminatedErr
~2418 kernelExceptionErr
~2419 kernelIDErr
~2421 kernelAlreadyFreeErr
~2422 kernelReturnValueErr
~2499 kernelUnrecoverableErr
~2500 tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr
~2501 tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr
~2502 tsmNotAnAppErr it isn't an application
~2503 tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr you can't register again
~2504 tsmNeverRegisteredErr the app never registered
~2505 tsmInvalidDocIDErr an invalid TSM documentation ID was used
~2506 tsmTSMDocBusyErr the document is still active
~2507 tsmDocNotActiveErr the document is NOT active
~2508 tsmNoOpenTSErr no open text service exists
~2509 tsmCantOpenComponentErr the system can’t open the component
~2510 tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr no text service was found
~2511 tsmDocumentOpenErr there are open documents
~2512 tsmUseInputWindowErr not TSM aware because we are using an input window
~2513 tsmTSHasNoMenuErr the text service has no menu
~2514 tsmTSNotOpenErr the text service is not open
~2515 tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr the text service already opened for the document
~2516 tsmInputMethodIsOldErr returned by GetDefaultInputMethod
~2517 tsmScriptHasNoIMErr the script has no input method or is using old IM
~2518 tsmUnsupportedTypeErr an unsupported interface type was specified
~2519 tsmUnknownErr any other errors
~2520 tsmInvalidContext an invalid TSMContext was specified in the call
~2521 tsmNoHandler no Callback Handler exists for callback
~2522 tsmNoMoreTokens no more tokens are available for the source text
~2523 tsmNoStem no stem exists for the token
~2526 mmInternalError
~2536 nrLockedErr
~2537 nrNotEnoughMemoryErr
~2538 nrInvalidNodeErr
~2539 nrNotFoundErr
~2540 nrNotCreatedErr
~2541 nrNameErr
~2542 nrNotSlotDeviceErr
~2543 nrDataTruncatedErr
~2544 nrPowerErr
~2545 nrPowerSwitchAbortErr
~2546 nrTypeMismatchErr
~2547 nrNotModifiedErr
~2548 nrOverrunErr
~2549 nrResultCodeBase
~2550 nrPathNotFound a path component lookup failed
~2551 nrPathBufferTooSmall the buffer for a path was too small
~2552 nrInvalidEntryIterationOp an invalid entry iteration operation
~2553 nrPropertyAlreadyExists the property already exists
~2554 nrIterationDone the iteration operation is done
~2555 nrExitedIteratorScope the outer scope of the iterator was exited
~2556 nrTransactionAborted the transaction aborted
~2700 errOSAGeneralError the user script or application has set an error that should not be returned
~2701 errOSADivideByZero the user script or application tried to divide by 0
~2702 errOSANumericOverflow the user script or application calculated a value too large to be stored
~2703 errOSACantLaunch the application can't be launched or (when remote) program linking is not enabled
~2704 errOSAAppNotHighLevelEventAware the application can't respond to AppleEvents
~2705 errOSACorruptTerminology the application's terminology resource is not readable
~2706 errOSAStackOverflow the runtime stack overflowed
~2707 errOSAInternalTableOverflow a runtime internal data structure overflowed
~2708 errOSADataBlockTooLarge an intrinsic limitation was exceeded for the size of a value or data structure
~2709 errOSACantGetTerminology
~2710 errOSACantCreate
~2720 errASCantConsiderAndIgnore
~2721 errASCantCompareMoreThan32k
~2740 OSASyntaxError a syntax error occurred (e.g. "Syntax error" or "<this> can't go after <that>")
~2741 OSASyntaxTypeError another form of syntax was expected (e.g. "expected a <type> but found <this>")
~2742 OSATokenTooLong a name or number was too long to be parsed
~2750 OSADuplicateParameter a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable was specified more than once
~2751 OSADuplicateProperty a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable was specified more than once
~2752 OSADuplicateHandler more than one handler was defined with the same name in a scope where the language doesn't allow it
~2753 OSAUndefinedVariable a variable was accessed that has no value
~2754 OSAInconsistentDeclarations a variable was declared inconsistently in the same scope such as both local and global
~2755 OSAControlFlowError illegal control flow occurred in an application (no catcher for throw, non-lexical loop exit, etc.)
~2760 errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep
~2761 errASIllegalFormalParameter
~2762 errASParameterNotForEvent
~2763 errASNoResultReturned
~2780 errASInconsistentNames
~2800 cfragContextIDErr the context ID was not valid
~2801 cfragConnectionIDErr the connection ID was not valid
~2802 cfragNoSymbolErr the specified symbol was not found
~2803 cfragNoSectionErr the specified section was not found
~2804 cfragNoLibraryErr the named library was not found
~2805 cfragDupRegistrationErr the registration name was already in use
~2806 cfragFragmentFormatErr a fragment's container format is unknown
~2807 cfragUnresolvedErr a fragment had "hard" unresolved imports
~2808 cfragNoPositionErr the registration insertion point was not found
~2809 cfragNoPrivateMemErr the system is out of memory for internal bookkeeping
~2810 cfragNoClientMemErr the system is out of memory for fragment mapping or section instances
~2811 cfragNoIDsErr no more CFM IDs for contexts, connections, etc. are available
~2812 cfragInitOrderErr
~2813 cfragImportTooOldErr an import library was too old for a client
~2814 cfragImportTooNewErr an import library was too new for a client
~2815 cfragInitLoopErr there was circularity in the required initialization order
~2816 cfragInitAtBootErr a boot library has an initialization function
~2817 cfragLibConnErr
~2818 cfragCFMStartupErr an internal error occurred during CFM initialization
~2819 cfragCFMInternalErr an internal inconsistency has been detected
~2820 cfragFragmentCorruptErr a fragment's container was corrupt (known format)
~2821 cfragInitFunctionErr a fragment's initialization routine returned an error
~2822 cfragNoApplicationErr no application member was found in the cfrg resource
~2823 cfragArchitectureErr a fragment has an unacceptable architecture
~2824 cfragFragmentUsageErr a semantic error in usage of the fragment occurred
~2825 cfragFileSizeErr a file was too large to be mapped
~2826 cfragNotClosureErr the closure ID was actually a connection ID
~2827 cfragNoRegistrationErr the registration name was not found
~2828 cfragContainerIDErr the fragment container ID was not valid
~2829 cfragClosureIDErr the closure ID was not valid
~2830 cfragAbortClosureErr this error is used by notification handlers to abort a closure
~2900 kAGErrUnknownEvent
~2901 kAGErrCantStartup
~2902 kAGErrNoAccWin
~2903 kAGErrNoPreWin
~2904 kAGErrNoSequence
~2905 kAGErrNotOopsSequence
~2906 kAGErrReserved06
~2907 kAGErrNoPanel
~2908 kAGErrContentNotFound
~2909 kAGErrMissingString
~2910 kAGErrInfoNotAvail
~2911 kAGErrEventNotAvailable
~2912 kAGErrCannotMakeCoach
~2913 kAGErrSessionIDsNotMatch
~2914 kAGErrMissingDatabaseSpec
~2915 kAGMissingSequenceMap
~2925 kAGErrItemNotFound
~2926 kAGErrBalloonResourceNotFound
~2927 kAGErrChalkResourceNotFound
~2928 kAGErrChdvResourceNotFound
~2929 kAGErrAlreadyShowing
~2930 kAGErrBalloonResourceSkip
~2931 kAGErrItemNotVisible
~2932 kAGErrReserved32
~2933 kAGErrNotFrontProcess
~2934 kAGErrMacroResourceNotFound
~2951 kAGErrAppleGuideNotAvailable
~2952 kAGErrCannotInitCoach
~2953 kAGErrCannotInitContext
~2954 kAGErrCannotOpenAliasFile
~2955 kAGErrNoAliasResource
~2956 kAGErrDatabaseNotAvailable
~2957 kAGErrDatabaseNotOpen
~2958 kAGErrMissingAppInfoHdl
~2959 kAGErrMissingContextObject
~2960 kAGErrInvalidRefNum
~2961 kAGErrDatabaseOpen
~2962 kAGErrInsufficientMemory
~3000 invalidComponentID
~3001 validInstancesExist
~3002 componentNotCaptured
~3003 componentDontRegister
~3025 invalidTranslationPathErr the source type to destination type is not a valid path
~3026 couldNotParseSourceFileErr the source document does not contain source type
~3030 noTranslationPathErr
~3031 badTranslationSpecErr
~3032 noPrefAppErr
~3101 buf2SmallErr the packet was too large for the buffer. Partial data was returned
~3102 noMPPErr
~3103 ckSumErr
~3104 extractErr
~3105 readQErr
~3106 atpLenErr
~3107 atpBadRsp
~3108 recNotFnd
~3109 sktClosedErr
~3120 kASLMNotFoundErr
~3121 kASLMNoParentErr
~3122 kASLMParentNotFoundErr
~3123 kASLMNotRelatedErr
~3124 kASLMInvalidObjectErr
~3125 kASLMPoolCorruptedErr
~3126 kASLMOutOfMemoryErr
~3127 kASLMCodeNotLoadedErr
~3128 kASLMCouldNotLoadCodeErr
~3129 kASLMFilePreflightedErr
~3130 kASLMFileNotPreflightedErr
~3131 kASLMFileNotFoundErr
~3132 kASLMLibraryManagerNotLoadedErr
~3134 kASLMDuplicateFoundErr
~3135 kASLMSeedChangedErr
~3136 kASLMUnconstructedObjectErr
~3137 kASLMInternalErr
~3138 kASLMVersionErr
~3139 kASLMFolderNotFoundErr
~3140 kASLMFolderInUseErr
~3141 kASLMResourceNotFoundErr
~3142 kASLMInvalidSegmentNumberErr
~3150 kOTBadAddressErr a Bad address was specified
~3151 kOTBadOptionErr a Bad option was specified
~3152 kOTAccessErr access permission was missing
~3153 kOTBadReferenceErr a bad provider reference was specified
~3154 kOTNoAddressErr no address was specified
~3155 kOTOutStateErr a call was issued in the wrong state
~3156 kOTBadSequenceErr the sequence specified does not exist
~3157 kOTSysErrorErr a system error occurred
~3158 kOTLookErr an event occurred - call Look()
~3159 kOTBadDataErr an illegal amount of data was specified
~3160 kOTBufferOverflowErr the passed buffer was not big enough
~3161 kOTFlowErr the provider is flow-controlled
~3162 kOTNoDataErr no data was available for reading
~3163 kOTNoDisconnectErr no disconnect indication was available
~3164 kOTNoUDErrErr no Unit Data Error indication available
~3165 kOTBadFlagErr a Bad flag value was supplied
~3166 kOTNoReleaseErr no orderly release indication available
~3167 kOTNotSupportedErr the command is not supported
~3168 kOTStateChangeErr the state is changing - try again later
~3169 kOTNoStructureTypeErr a bad structure type was requested for OTAlloc
~3170 kOTBadNameErr a bad endpoint name was supplied
~3171 kOTBadQLenErr a Bind to an in-use address with qlen > 0 was encountered
~3172 kOTAddressBusyErr the address requested is already in use
~3173 kOTIndOutErr the accept command failed because of a pending listen
~3174 kOTProviderMismatchErr you tried to accept on incompatible endpoint
~3175 kOTResQLenErr
~3176 kOTResAddressErr
~3177 kOTQFullErr
~3178 kOTProtocolErr an unspecified provider error occurred
~3179 kOTBadSyncErr a synchronous call was made at interrupt time
~3180 kOTCanceledErr the command was cancelled
~3200 kEPERMErr permission was denied
~3201 kENOENTErr no such file or directory
~3202 kENORSRCErr no such resource
~3203 kEINTRErr a system service was interrupted
~3204 kEIOErr an I/O error occurred
~3205 kENXIOErr no such device or address
~3208 kEBADFErr a bad file number was specified
~3210 kEAGAINErr try the operation again later
~3211 kENOMEMErr not enough space
~3212 kEACCESErr permission was denied
~3213 kEFAULTErr a bad address was specified
~3215 kEBUSYErr the device or resource was busy
~3216 kEEXISTErr the file exists
~3218 kENODEVErr there is no such device
~3221 kEINVALErr an invalid argument was specified
~3224 kENOTTYErr the device specified was not a character device
~3231 kEPIPEErr there is a broken pipe
~3233 kERANGEErr the message size is too large for STREAM
~3234 kEWOULDBLOCKErr the call would block so it was aborted or a deadlock would occur
~3236 kEALREADYErr
~3237 kENOTSOCKErr a socket operation was attempted on a non-socket
~3238 kEDESTADDRREQErr the destination address is required
~3239 kEMSGSIZEErr the message was too long
~3240 kEPROTOTYPEErr the protocol was the wrong type for a socket
~3241 kENOPROTOOPTErr the protocol was not available
~3242 kEPROTONOSUPPORTErr the protocol is not supported
~3243 kESOCKTNOSUPPORTErr the socket type is not supported
~3244 kEOPNOTSUPPErr the operation is not supported on a socket
~3247 kEADDRINUSEErr the address is already in use
~3248 kEADDRNOTAVAILErr the requested address can't be assigned
~3249 kENETDOWNErr the network is down
~3250 kENETUNREACHErr the network is unreachable
~3251 kENETRESETErr the network dropped the connection on reset
~3252 kECONNABORTEDErr software caused the connection to abort
~3253 kECONNRESETErr the connection was reset by a peer
~3254 kENOBUFSErr no buffer space is available
~3255 kEISCONNErr the socket is already connected
~3256 kENOTCONNErr the socket is not connected
~3257 kESHUTDOWNErr you can't send after socket shutdown
~3258 kETOOMANYREFSErr too many references: can't splice
~3259 kETIMEDOUTErr the connection timed out
~3260 kECONNREFUSEDErr the connection was refused
~3263 kEHOSTDOWNErr the host is down
~3264 kEHOSTUNREACHErr there is no route to the host
~3269 kEPROTOErr
~3270 kETIMEErr
~3271 kENOSRErr
~3272 kEBADMSGErr
~3273 kECANCELErr
~3274 kENOSTRErr
~3275 kENODATAErr
~3277 kESRCHErr
~3278 kENOMSGErr
~3279 kOTClientNotInittedErr
~3280 kOTPortHasDiedErr
~3281 kOTPortWasEjectedErr
~3282 kOTBadConfigurationErr
~3283 kOTConfigurationChangedErr
~3284 kOTUserRequestedErr
~3285 kOTPortLostConnection
~3290 kCfgDatabaseChangedErr the database has changed since the last call - close and reopen DB
~3291 kCfgAreaNotFoundErr area doesn't exist
~3292 kCfgAreaAlreadyExistsErr area already exists
~3293 kCfgAreaNotOpenErr area needs to open first
~3294 kCfgConfigLockedErr access conflict - retry later
~3295 kCfgEntityNotFoundErr an entity with this name doesn't exist
~3296 kCfgEntityAlreadyExistsErr an entity with this name already exists
~3297 kCfgPrefsTypeNotFoundErr a record with this PrefsType doesn't exist
~3298 kCfgDataTruncatedErr data was truncated when read buffer too small
~3299 kCfgFileCorruptedErr the database format appears to be corrupted
~4000 invalidPickerType
~4001 requiredFlagsDontMatch
~4002 pickerResourceError
~4003 cantLoadPicker/kGeoPortFree
~4004 cantCreatePickerWindow/kPortFree
~4005 cantLoadPackage/kInUseByGeoPort
~4006 pickerCantLive/kInUseBySerial
~4007 colorSyncNotInstalled/kInUseByUnknown
~4008 badProfileError/kInUseByLocalTalk
~4009 noHelpForItem
~4200 cmElementTagNotFound
~4201 cmIndexRangeErr the tag index is out of range
~4202 cmCantDeleteElement
~4203 cmFatalProfileErr
~4204 cmInvalidProfile a Profile must contain a 'cs1 ' tag to be valid
~4205 cmInvalidProfileLocation the operation is not supported for this profile location
~4206 cmInvalidSearch a bad Search Handle was found
~4207 cmSearchError
~4208 cmErrIncompatibleProfile
~4209 cmInvalidColorSpace the profile colorspace does not match the bitmap type
~4210 cmInvalidSrcMap the source pix/bit map was invalid
~4211 cmInvalidDstMap the destination pix/bit map was invalid
~4212 cmNoGDevicesError Begin/End Matching -- no gdevices available
~4213 cmInvalidProfileComment a bad Profile comment was found during drawpicture
~4214 cmRangeOverFlow the color conversion warning that some output color values over/underflowed and were clipped was set
~4215 cmCantCopyModifiedV1Profile it is Illegal to copy version 1 profiles that have been modified
~4216 cmNamedColorNotFound the NamedColor not found
~4217 cmCantGamutCheckError Gammut checking not is supported by this ColorWorld
~4220 cmspInvalidImageFile the Plugin cannot handle this image file type
~4221 cmspInvalidImageSpace the Plugin cannot create an image file of this colorspace
~4222 cmspInvalidProfileEmbed
~4223 cmspInvalidProfileSource
~4224 cmspInvalidProfileDest
~4225 cmspInvalidProfileProof
~4226 cmspInvalidProfileLink
~4270 badFolderDescErr
~4271 duplicateFolderDescErr
~4272 noMoreFolderDescErr
~4273 invalidFolderTypeErr
~4274 duplicateRoutingErr
~4275 routingNotFoundErr
~4276 badRoutingSizeErr